Production Projects

In addition to her photography work, Anita is also a TV and documentary producer. 
In this page, you'll see some of her projects

Head Producer - Haki Tani TV Vodcast Show (5 Seasons) (5 Versions)

A TV and Podcast late night talk show that delves into a variety of contemporary topics and issues prevalent in today's society. Hosted by 4 presenters of different and knowledgeable backgrounds, each episode features candid discussions where hosts share their own viewpoints, in addition to the word on the street and ideas on the subject matter. Additionally, a guest is invited to join the conversation in every episode, providing further insights and perspectives whether on the topic itself or a viral story about the guest themself. Haki Tani with its five different versions was all about; entertainment, trendy news and topics and spreading awareness and information to the viewers.

All 5 Versions
Haki Tani - Jordan, Hachi Thani - Iraq, Kalam Tani - Egypt, Haki Teens

The show was aired on Roya TV and Podcast, and was acquired by Shahid and OSN VOD platforms.

Snippets and BTS


Producer - TAL TV Sports Documentaries

Two short Documentaries I produced for a collaboration between Television America Latina and Roya TV.

Highlighting two inspiring stories of Enas Jamaeen from Madaba and Dr. Shamayleh from Al Karak.

Enas is a professional Jordanian female footballer.
She worked her way into becoming the player she is by believing in herself, staying focused and getting unmatched support from her family, specifically her father, whom she has a very special relationship with. Coming from a conservative society, her story is awe inspiring and mind opening.


Dr. Abdulrahman Shamayleh (watch here) dedicates his time and life to train and educate young kids on football as he believes it could save their lives by improving their living standards, changing their destiny and taking control of their lives. 

He aims to develop his village and community through football by working on discipline, physical and mental wellbeing and keeping the hope alive.


Producer - Chef Man Jordan (10 Episodes)

A TV format journey documenting the Jordanian cuisine, with a hint of culture, adventure, and tourism from the North to the South

Eps 1 - The North
Eps 2 - Al Salt
Eps 3 - Amman 1
Eps 4 - Al Zarqa/Al Azraq
Eps 5 - Madaba
Eps 6 - The Jordan Valley
Eps 7 - Amman 2
Eps 8 - Al Karak
Eps 9 - Wadi Rum/Petra
Eps 10 - Aqaba

The show was aired on Roya TV and acquired by OSN

Snippets and BTS

Comissioned Projects

Concerts, Culture, BTS and More

Arts And Entertainment

Take A Look

Fashion Shoots


Take A Look

Protests, Street Photography and More


Take A Look

Interior, Exterior, Furniture and Construction

Architecture and Design

Take A Look

On Set TV Shows, Documentaries and in studio

Production Projects

Take A Look

Story Telling through Photography


Take A Look